Passionate about surgery, Dr. Markus Butz is a specialist for surgery, plastic surgery and hand surgery. He has worked for many years in leading roles at renowned surgical institutions.
Amongst others, he was the senior physician in the Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery Department in the burns unit at Murnau Trauma Centre. Additionally head doctor and assistant medical director at the Plastic, Hand and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic of Kantonspital Aarau in Switzerland. Most recently Dr. Butz was head doctor and section leader at the Barmherzige Brüder Hospital in Munich.
Help with precision is only possible through continuous education and maintaining medical knowledge and surgical skills, including microsurgical techniques, at the latest state of research.
For many years Dr. Butz has exchanged knowledge with national and international experts at symposia, medical conferences and specialised training courses on an almost monthly basis. He is a member of major professional bodies.